Thursday, September 27, 2012


Now that I'm entering my second full week of living in Augsburg, early adventures are now becoming part of my everyday life. Although I still don't know the city entirely, and a wrong turn can lead me into a back alley, I'm sure that now I'll be able to lead myself back home. This city's larger than the ones that I've previously lived in, so there's still much to discover - especially in terms of finding a new favorite falafel joint or a special coffee shop.

Dome in Munich
In this being my third stay in Germany, I'm surprised to realize how much I've changed, or rather, grown more accustomed to a particular way of doing things. A trip to the grocery store no longer has entertainment value (because where can you find jarred meat in the States?), rather it has become a constant reminder that I am in a different place. After spending a day (unsuccessfully) running around the city looking for a few odd grocery items, I am confronted with either keeping my preferences and constantly searching for ‘that one thing’ or moving on and finding a new norm.

Munich and, more importantly, Alps in the
However, I welcome this unexpected push to find a new equilibrium. I’m forced to explore what Augsburg offers and relish in random exchanges with strangers. I’m excited to see where curiosity will take me and how my roots, that were so entrenched in American soil, will adapt to to their new, German environment.

Early evening Munich
Feeling uprooted, it was also nice to see Munich with a familiar face yesterday.