Thursday, June 5, 2014

Checking In Again

Just a note that I'll be using tumblr as an ongoing file cabinet for sketches/photos/quotes/notes etc. Check it out if you wanna. Trying for three substantive updates a week (a tall order, I know, but I'm done with school now so I can handle it, right?).

Thoughts on summer/future coming next week, just before I leave for Italy/Switzerland/Germany/Czech Republic/Austria.

In the spirit of cataloguing, here's what I've been reading:

 - Hans Ulrich Obrist, The Conversation Series, Vol. 4: Rem Koolhaas
 - Log 26 (Fall 2012)
 - Alexandra Lange, Writing About Architecture: Mastering the Language of Buildings and Cities
 - Malcolm McCullough, Digital Ground

Really digging the latter two. The former is just about what you'd expect but has the added bonus of providing a primer on major figures in architectural criticism from the 20th century. The latter deals with "context-oriented technological design," examining the implications of the digitalization of everything (see "things, internet of") for physical and (especially) place-based interventions into daily life.

Also: can't stop listening to Clap Your Hands Say Yeah's self-titled album. If you care to give a listen, keep in mind that you'll get past the guy's voice eventually.

Also also: been continuing my photographic exploration. Highlights from this week below.

Kitchen Window

National Theatre

The Eye


Calm Before the Storm

Roofs, Birds