Friday, March 11, 2011

Busy Busy Busy


These past several weeks have been very busy! And the next three are looking to be even busier than the last three! Tonight and tomorrow I will be performing in my first play. It's called 'Life in My Small Town.' My character's name is Veronica and I'm the antagonist. Basically, I'm the boss of the main character and I'm trying to hold her back from succeeding and overshadowing me. I'm excited, but also a little nervous. I hope it all goes well! I think I'm going to feel really relieved when the first performance. That way I'll have proven to myself that I can do it and the other two will go much more smoothly. (hopefully!) Here's a link to the performance site.

Next weekend I will be in London with my friend, Helga. I'm really excited to see the Tower of London and Westminster Abby (which I didn't get to see last time I went). I'll be sure to put up lots of pictures! The weekend after that is my Symphony Orchestra concert weekend and then the weekend after that is my Sinfonietta concert. Then, I start my spring break!

During the spring break I am planning on going to Paris, Venice, Pisa, Florence, and Rome. It should be fantastic. There's a possibility of taking a weekend trip to Dublin or Aberdeen as well, but I haven't gotten all that planned out quite yet!

In other news, I've entered several writing contests (PageTurner Prize, The Martin Wills Writing Prize) and I'm working on entries for the GQ/Norman Mailer Prize and the Girton College Jane Martin Prize for Poetry. The two I've already submitted to are supposed to be publishing shortlists (which is a list of their top entries, one of which will be selected as the winner, so basically it's the first cut). I'm really hoping to get shortlisted, but at the same time trying to not get my hopes up too much.

This past week, my short story 'Mime and Punishment' was published in the UM magazine, 'Blueprint.' I haven't seen it in person yet, but it looks great from what I have seen! I've been wishing that I could put up some work that I've been slaving over, but I'm worried about publishing things to the internet that I might later publish or enter into contests. If I win any of the prizes, I'll be sure to post it up! If anyone is interested in reading anything, send me an email and you can read it that way. :)

I'll be sure to let you know how the play goes later!