Monday, August 8, 2011

Still here!

I'm still here! I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while, and I figured I'd better post at least a little something now given the rioting and unrest in London. I don't know how much coverage the riots are getting internationally, but here it's pretty big news. Everything in central London around where I am has been perfectly fine but it's bizarre to me to see footage of cars burning and police in riot gear in places that I've visited so recently. I visited Brixton with my last class a few weeks ago, and I was just in Hackney a few days ago to watch bike polo (yes, bike polo), and neither place felt dangerous or unsafe when I was there. We talked for a few hours about the 1981 Brixton riots in my Multicultural Literature course last session and I wish we could discuss what's happening now in that class! I'm shocked by how many different locations keep appearing in the news. It seems to have spiraled so far away from the original peaceful protest in Tottenham a few nights ago to acts of random looting and violence. Hopefully things will start to resolve themselves soon. More to come (on hopefully happier topics!) soon.