Friday, September 21, 2012

Greetings from Germanland!

So I’ve almost been in Augsburg for a full week and I figured that I might as well clue everybody in to what I’ve been up to.

Just your average picture of a German city (Augsburg) from a vantage point - I have tons of these from previous times abroad
Sleep deprived and exhausted, I arrived in Munich early Saturday morning and managed to drag all of my stuff (100 lbs in total) through the airport, on a few trains, and to my new flat. Saturday was almost a blur for me as I deliriously tried to purchase bedding and food, in German nonetheless, before falling asleep at two in the afternoon. When I awoke around 9pm and had just resigned myself to suffering from jetlag, my new roommates surprised me with a cake to celebrate my birthday.  

Me, my gnome, and famous Augsburger graffiti
This week I’ve been lying low as I’m trying to ward off jetlag as well as getting my head back into speaking German. To prevent me from just sleeping all day, I’ve given myself little tasks to get me out of the flat and explore the city. So far I’ve managed to get myself terribly lost, but with that I’ve also successfully registered with the city, opened a bank account, and bought my fair share of pretzels (the soft, Bavarian kind).

Today, I’m headed off to Munich to attend a conference on Sustainable Economies with one of my roommates, tomorrow Oktoberfest. When in Rome, right?