Monday, August 25, 2014


The first thing I noticed upon arriving in Zurich was how quiet it was. All of my Italy destinations were swarming with street vendors and beggars, and not to have them everywhere was a nice change of pace.

I spent the first morning drinking coffee and reading Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce worked in Zurich throughout his career, I have struggled to finish that book since I bought it several years ago, so it all worked out) at a cafe near my hostel, and eventually began wandering. I was fairly museum'd out, so I didn't do much other than wander.

I had scheduled my trip to coincide with Switzerland's World Cup match against Honduras, which they won. I spent the majority of the match with a Swiss-born Canadian who moved there after college, whose name I don't recall. We cheered their three goals, drank some beer, and afterwards I retired to the roof terrace atop my hostel, where I chatted with an Aussie on a long tour of Europe whose next stop was Ibiza.



Zurich Skyline